ke pusat keramaian kota bahasa Inggris
- ke: go to; on; on the floor; onto; to; into; unto;
- pusat: center; central; centre; centrum; navel; centre,
- keramaian: a to-do; ado; whoop-de-doo; roar; festivity;
- kota: town; municipality; urban; wall; urban center;
- keramaian: a to-do; ado; whoop-de-doo; roar; festivity; celebration; festival; crowd; work; comming and going; carnival; fete; uproar
- pusat kota: central city; down town; midtown; downtown; town centre
- pajak keramaian: amusement tax
- kota administrasi jakarta pusat: central jakarta
- kota pusat nasional: national central city
- menuju pusat kota: downtown
- pusat bersejarah kota salzburg: altstadt salzburg
- pusat kota leeds: leeds city centre
- segitiga pusat kota (yerusalem): downtown triangle (jerusalem)
- jalur pusat kota (mrt singapura): downtown mrt line
- pusat akuatik kota new clark: new clark city aquatics center